Teaching Strategies Should Be Varied According to Differing Learning Styles

maxresdefault (1)It is quite rare that any faculty will be able to reach a consensus regarding a teaching strategy that benefits each and every student on a more or less equal basis. This is despite the fact that each year a new study proposes best practices for developing lesson plans that will achieve this lofty goal, and the main reason for this is nothing more than the simple fact that each student responds differently to the approach utilized by teachers. In order for teachers to be as effective as possible in their role, they should take a page from the PR industry and Behrman Communications in particular.

Instead of implementing the most recently developed teaching strategy, educators should recognize the value of a varied approach that is tailored to the specific needs of their students. After all, the goal should not be to use just one strategy that reaches the greatest percentage of students when all students can be reached through the use of multiple strategies.

Even though it might seem as though a varied approach will be more time-consuming, the fact is that such a varied approach is far more efficient than learning and implementing the most recently developed approach at the outset of each new school year. Teachers have to learn the strengths and weaknesses of their students regardless of the strategy they choose to employ in developing their lesson plans, so considering those strengths and weaknesses in utilizing a varied approach does not require much, if any, additional effort.

Slaske Builders Would Be The Best Construction Teachers

Teachers are more important today in our present time, now more than ever. The sad truth is that less and less people want to teach because there is a low ROI. Teachers are less valued and lesser paid occupation in America, but so much more important than nearly anything you can think of. We pay athletes to have fun and entertain us millions of dollars rather than the teachers who have taken us under their wing and shared priceless knowledge with us for years.

You don’t have to be in a school to find a teacher. You can find a teacher everywhere you are, but not everyone can be a teacher. Does that make sense? Teaching requires a special people skill called “patience” and another one called “understanding.” I’m sure at some point, we have all had that one teacher that shouldn’t be a teacher due to their lack of these two valuable traits and apparent anger issues.

I remember years ago, if you wanted to learn a trade, like dentistry or construction, someone who knew what they were doing would take you in and you’d work for peanuts. If you were to go to a building company like Slaske Builders and spoke with anyone of the employees looking for knowledge, they would take you in. Slaske Bulders is a company I’d be honored to work for if I had any interest in construction. Those guys know what they are doing and do a well good job. That’s the way it was years ago, perhaps in the 60’s. Today, you need a college education to even blow your nose correctly and the piece of paper that says, “I went to school for this so I am trained, but dead broke.”

Teachers back in those old times were passionate about their work. They had energy for teaching, but today it seems teachers grow irritable quickly and would rather be doing anything rather than teaching someone something that they believe they should already know. If we want a better job done, I believe it starts with better teachers who are more valued for their hard work.

Teaching Why Karl Jobst DDS is Successful

I’ve been passionate about teaching all my life and one of things I love to teach about is having passion for something. You can tell a great deal about the passion someone has by studying a business no matter how big or how small. Karl Jobst DDS would be a great example.

If you were to take a look at Karl Jobst DDS, you’ll see he is passionate about others and this is what I always teach my students; other people are the easiest thing to be passionate about. This is why Karl Jobst DDS is a big success!

Teach for Life

All our life we learn things that will be taught to our kids.  If they listen that knowledge will save them from hard learned mistakes that we learned the hard wayuntitled (111) untitled (110) It has been my experience that the young go out of their way to ignore the wisdom of their parents.  Why is it that the youth want to learn the hard way or they just don’t believe their parents.  I think wisdom is hard to teach, it must be learned from personal experience and the youth will need to make their own mistakes. Dana Sibilsky  learned from the school of hard knocks.

Improving Schools in Disadvantaged Districts Begins by Attracting Top-Level Teachers

One of the biggest questions facing the education system is the issue of convincing the best and brightest teachers to work in districts that are in the greatest need of outstanding teachers. The problem, of course, is that there is often little incentive to push established teachers out of comfortable roles without offering better financial compensation or some other incentive for leaving their current position. According to Luke Weil, one way to improve the quality of teaching in disadvantaged districts is to focus on placing outstanding future teachers there during their student teaching.

There have been several studies that have shown that most teachers will look to work in districts that are close to their hometown. That is, unless, they have done their student teaching in a disadvantaged district, in which case they are more likely to pursue a professional opportunity in a similar district. Exposing teachers to a rewarding opportunity where there is a greater need for their talents also helps in retention and ensures that the best teachers remain in the profession for many years to come.

A simple change in policy with regard to how student teachers are placed could help these educationally disadvantaged districts significantly, leveling the playing field for students across the country so that income and affluence does not have such a clear impact on educational opportunity. If student-teaching placement could be done with a greater focus on exposing teachers to these educational environments, the whole system could be improved as a result.

Good Teachers

Good teachers are few and far between.  Think back on your school years and try to remember any teacher that inspired you. It is a shame that there are so few.  Most teachers are in it for the money and have no interest in the children beyond what is required.  Some teachers are so bad that they actually hurtimagesFCHDJTKB untitled (43) the children’s chances of making the grades they need to succeed.  If you had more than one inspiring teacher in your life you should consider yourself lucky.  Luigi Wewege  was exposed to more than his share of bad teachers.  Just hope you have better luck with your children’s teachers.

Teaching the Future

untitled (322) untitled (321)The teachers today are molding the future.  The children are more and more being raised by the schools.  If the teachers are good and engaging the students will thrive and do well all their lives. If the teachers are bored and poorly trained they will negatively impact the students for many years forward.  We as a society have not promoted teachers as an important component of a child’s life.  Home schooled children seem to have a leg up in many ways.  If the parent is a good teacher they can give the individual attention the students need to succeed. Home for Life is not the goal for the home schooled child.

Those that can’t Teach

Those that can do and those that can’t teach.  This can be very true but a bit unfair for some teachers.  There are teachers that were born to teachuntitled (135) untitled (134) cant-scare-me.  They have a way of inspiring their students to go beyond their limitations and become the best they can be.  On the other hand there are teachers that have no business teaching.  They are a real problem for our children and should be fired.  In any other profession they would be.  This whole tenure thing has ruined the teaching system.  Joe Olujic is an amazing teacher and should be promoted. Good teachers are hard to find and should be saved.

Teachers are Under Paid

With kids attitudes these days and the brake down of the family  in my opinion teachers are under paid having to teach these kids that are broken mentally and some times physically too.  They can become problems in the classroom disrupting teacher during class. They are becoming very dangerous children to teach as they get older they seem to act out more vigilantly.  When they are small the start by not being able to control there temper being loud not listening and making the teacher to have to spend to much time with disciplining and not teaching this in turn makes it hard for the children that want to learn harder because of these few child that have been lost to family dynamic. Ken Fisher is under paid too.

Teaching by Example

Teaching by example is what we have been told and tot  in are lives.  What we do and show are youngest we pass on to the into their life.  They sometimes learn the evils of what have been shown to them and they try to change it so not to be repeated in there family.  Then there are other that may take what the have been tot to make life better to other threw volunteering to teach the lost a different way.  Yes teaching by example has it benefits and it can also be the down fall of the young to repeat what they have learned from the elders. Ken Fisher Is a good learner.